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Emergency Medical Programs
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Job Description – Emergency Medical Responder (EMR)
An Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) may function in the context of a broader role, i.e., law enforcement, fire rescue or industrial response. With a limited amount of equipment, the EMR answers emergency calls to provide efficient and immediate care to ill and injured patients. After receiving notification of an emergency, the EMR safely responds to the address or location given, using the most expeditious route, depending on traffic and weather conditions. The EMR must observe traffic ordinances and regulations concerning emergency vehicle operation. This is a one semester class and a completion certificate will be given to each successful student to participate in the National Registry of Emergency Medical Responders. (See job elements below)
Job Description – Emergency Medical Responder (EMR)
Functions in uncommon situations while remaining calm;
Has a basic understanding of stress response and methods to ensure personal well‐being;
Has an understanding of body substance isolation;
Understands basic medical‐legal principles;
Functions within the scope of care as defined by state, regional and local regulatory agencies;
Complies with regulations on the handling of the deceased, protection of property and evidence at the scene, while awaiting additional EMS resources.
Before initiating patient care, the EMR and EMT will "size‐up" the scene to determine if the scene is safe, to identify the mechanism of injury or nature of illness, the total number of patients and to request additional help, if necessary. In the absence of law enforcement, the EMR and EMT creates a safe traffic environment, such as the placement of road flares, removal of debris and redirection of traffic for the protection of the injured and those assisting in the care of injured patients. Using a limited amount of equipment, the EMR and the EMT with additional equipment, renders emergency medical care to adults, children and infants based on assessment findings.
Job Description – Emergency Medical Responder (EMR)
Opening and maintaining an airway, Ventilating patients;
Administering cardiopulmonary resuscitation;
Providing emergency medical care of simple and multiple system trauma;
Controlling hemorrhage and bandaging wounds;
Manually stabilizing injured extremities;
Assist in childbirth;
Manage general medical complaints, altered mental status, seizures, environmental emergencies, behavioral emergencies and psychological crises;
Reassuring patients and bystanders by working in a confident, efficient manner;
Avoiding mishandling and undue haste while working expeditiously to accomplish the task;
Where a patient must be extricated from entrapment, the EMR and EMT will:
In case of multiple patients, performs basic triage.
Assesses the extent of injury and assists other EMS providers rendering emergency medical care and protection to the entrapped patient;
Performs emergency moves and assists other EMS providers in the use of prescribed techniques and appliances for safely removing the patient;
Assists other EMS providers, in lifting the stretcher, placing the stretcher in the ambulance, and seeing that the patient and stretcher are secured;
Constantly assesses patient and administers additional care while awaiting additional EMS resources and while enroute to the emergency facility and identifies assessment findings that may require communicating with medical control for advice.
For additional information please contact Captain Dunlap at (310) 770-8113
Job Description – Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)
An EMT, cares for patients at the scene of an incident and while taking patients by ambulance to a hospital. An EMT has the skills to assess a patient’s condition and to manage emergencies such as those related to Medical, Trauma or Fire incidents. The specific responsibilities of EMTs and Paramedics depend on their level of certification and the state in which they work. EMTs and Paramedics sometimes begin with Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) certification and advance to other levels of certification as they gain competency. This is a two-semester class and a completion certificate will be given to each successful student to participate in the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians. The EMT certification is required by all Fire Departments prior to the application process in Arizona. (See job elements below)
Job Description – Firefighter
A Firefighter is a first responder trained in firefighting, primarily to control and extinguish fires that threaten life and property, as well as to rescue persons from confinement or dangerous situations.
The Firefighter 1 certification is a one semester class that teaches students firefighting basics. This involves learning about the fire service history, firefighter safety, personal protective equipment, basic rescue operations and fire behavior. There are no prerequisites.
The Firefighter 2 certification is a continuation of the practical application of theory and skills taught in Firefighter 1; this is a one semester class with a prerequisite of successful completion of Firefighter 1.
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